Favignana diving: discovering the depths of the island!
There are many activities you can do on the island, but certainly one of the best is Favignana diving.
It's about scuba diving in the splendid seabed of Favignana discovering the marine life of this wonderful land.
Book your Diving lesson with us! We have several conventions with the most important Diving on the island of Favignana to be sure of providing you with a perfect and complete service.
The diving spots are located in Favignana and the neighboring islands such as Levanzo, Marettimo, Maraone and Formica, the islands belonging to the largest marine protected area in the entire Mediterranean Sea, a cradle of marine biodiversity. It has the largest and best preserved Posidonia prairie in the entire Mediterranean and is considered the lung of our waters, as it plays a crucial role in the balance of the marine ecosystem.
There are many points of attraction in which to dive Favignana, offering a wide choice: from wrecks to shoals, from walls to caves to archaeological finds. This allows all divers, newbies and experts, to find the most suitable ones for their preparation and with our affiliated diving schools we offer maximum relaxation with the convenience of not carrying any weight, as they themselves will hold and provide the diving equipment.
Book your diving in Favignana
Favignana diving: the most popular spots!
- Isola Galeotta: a small islet not far from Favignana. It is one of the easiest diving spots to reach and is suitable for everyone, even beginners. In its waters it is possible to find a great variety of life and colors and you will be able to meet schools of white breams and salps, octopuses and moray eels;
- Cala Rossa and Punta Marsala: there are about fifty meters of sandy bottoms that reach a depth of about 12 meters. The historical excursion is considered, as ancient Punic and Roman remains emerge in this area;
- Cala Rotonda: this dive is a bit more demanding. It takes place inside an underwater cave about thirty meters long and eight meters deep. The cave emerges in a pool in the cliff of the cove and its vault is covered with croaker, corvine, crabs and moray eels;
- Scoglio Corrente: this islet is also not far from Favignana and during the dive you have to be very careful of the very strong currents, from which the rock takes its name. But it is thanks to these currents that the Corrente reef can be the point of passage for large hunting fish and it is a wonderful emotion to see all these fish moving en masse near you;
- Secca del Toro: è considerata l’immersione più bella di Favignana, ma è anche indicata per i più esperti o almeno di un livello medio. La secca del Toro è una parete che affonda nel mare per quaranta metri e scendendo per la parete è possibile incontrare una varietà grandissima di vita sottomarina: gorgonie gialle e rosse, margherite di mare e spirografi, aragoste, astici e anche barracuda.
- Secca del Toro: it is considered the most beautiful dive in Favignana, but it is also suitable for the more experienced or at least of an average level. La Seca del Toro is a wall that sinks into the sea for forty meters and going down the wall it is possible to meet a huge variety of underwater life: yellow and red gorgonians, sea daisies and spirographs, lobsters, lobsters and even barracudas.
Dives usually require all day, departing from the port in the morning, one dive, a packed lunch break on the boat, another dive in the afternoon and the return to the port in the evening.
Se siete curiosi di scoprire i bellissimi fondali dell'isola, non dovere far altro che prenotare la vostra immersione e scoprire questa magnifica terra con Favignana Diving!
If you are curious to discover the beautiful seabed of the island, all you have to do is book your dive and discover this magnificent land with Favignana Diving!
We are waiting for you!